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Documentary Film
"Girl of the Finger Lakes" is a 40 minute documentary about my mother, Kathryn Puls. She grew up on a farm in central New York during the Depression. There is a general audience version as well as an educational version with a study guide available on Amazon.

Short Films Info

 Since my first short video called "Sal Monella's Deli" was screened in 1996 I've had over  100 screenings at film festivals around the world.  A listing of many of them are found  here. http://www.animatusstudio.com/freshtoones/cartoons.html

The Music Shows

 I've been uploading videos that I refer to as  "Music Shows" since 2001 at YouTube. I created  them to enhance what I was singing about in my songs. Words and music can certainly affect an  audience, but when accompanied by a visual statement from the composer that experience can  be greatly increased.

 I'm certainly not saying that music can't be appreciated on it's own merit, but I have found a  wider audience when I have added the visual content. This has also allowed me to run the song  through a second process in my head, which then stimulates new thoughts that come out in the  video. Here is a link to the "Music Shows." https://www.youtube.com/DavesFreshToones

Creative Share Projects
 I worked together with Bob Barancik and a number of other talented artists on 8 Creative Share  videos. Bob is a tremendous innovator and painter and he came up with the initial concepts for  most of these viedeos.

 He and I met at the 2003 Rochester International Film Festival which was screening films we had  submitted. He really liked my video called "True Believer"  and we discussed possibly  collaborating in the future. We did and these videos are the results: Creative Share Playlist
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How and why I got into animation.