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   Leda and the Swan
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Although this oil painting was done many years ago, its spirit still remains true to who I am today. My beard and mustache may be greyer and my hair a little thinner, but I am still closely examining myself and all that is around me. My mind continues to spin with a tremendous amount of information and sometimes I may seem to have become consumed by it all; however, I periodically have moments of clarity and peace. It is at these moments that many of the Fresh Toone creations have evolved. I may appear to be looking outward, but I also try to be aware of those things that come from within.

Most of the artwork here is done with oil and egg tempera paint, sometimes referred to as the Mische Technique.
For a number of years I studied this Old Master's technique with Philip Rubinov Jacobson. I just loved the inner glow that eminanted from the shiny egg tempera under the oil glazes.
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